Hello and welcome!

I'm Tùng (you can call me Seth if you can't pronouce that btw). I was born in 2000 in a typical middle-class family.

I'm specialized in Back-end developing, though I don't have any real-world experience yet. (As to why I'm not a full stack developer, I'll probably explain that in a future blog post. SoonTM)


Email me at sethetherald@duck.com.

Why does this website look so basic?

Well, this is a mere fork of my friend's page.

And although I do agree with his opinion on blog styling, and that everyone should use Dark Reader (sponsor me pls), I believe people has the right to not get their eyes burned. I'm also a sucker for Nord Theme, so this is the result.

Why doesn't this website have Light Theme?

What are you, a psychopath?